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MARG Woga SUD Nona Trey Silo Silano Olivia A Lucca Koppla Cooler 2 Silo Silo Amura Round Salitre B Olivia Olga B Natta S Natta R Dunna Cooler 1 Round High Square High Natta HR Vitta Round Low Square Natta HS Sal B Square Low Double Frame Frame B Newer Salitre Olga Sal


Design Patent 008703375-0001
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Column in steel tube Ø40×1.5 mm;
Steel / Aluminium table top 450×450×4 mm;
Steel base Ø400×5 mm;
Epóxi paint.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: N/A Category:


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0857020, 1032, 2106015, 0506030, 9001, 1310, 6004, 6021, 9005, 7024, 6006